Nigel Risner is a human development specialist and peak performance coach, whose high-energy message leads individuals and organisations to incredible success. He delivers over a hundred talks a year in his unique, energetic style to corporations and associations such as The Academy for Chief Executives, The Institute of Directors, Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, T-Mobile, Asda, BP and many others. Nigel has promised to share with you an absolute low down on how to become a professional well paid speaker.
In this interview Nigel shares with you, his principle about creating the WOW factor and why it is important to you. Also his principle of, when in the room, be in the room and how it affects you as a listener as well as when you are the speaker.
Here is the interview enjoy:
Hope you enjoyed that interview and the £100 in your pocket bonus
If you have a question for Nigel, you can post it here or email me at and I will ask him in Part 2.
Take care