Love is the drug ……,
Check out the image is copyrighted by them , check out their products, they are brilliant. This is NOT an...
Check out the image is copyrighted by them , check out their products, they are brilliant. This is NOT an...
There has probably never been a time where there has been so much fear and conflict across the world, not just across oceans and borders...
Love is often presented as the opposite of fear, but true love is not opposite anything. True love is far more powerful than any negative...
Complications seem to be an inevitable by-product of modern living. Simplicity gives birth to inspirations. Keeping my own mind calm and...
Letting go in any area of life requires a deep trust in the universe, in the overall meaning and purpose of existence. Remembering that...
Having the ability to see something in another person, and automatically bring this observation back to ourselves, is like having a...
“A quest, we decided, is something bigger. It takes more time and requires more commitment than general life improvement. Still, though,...
“I believe it is crucial to be self-aware enough to be able to articulate our One Thing : I. Who am I and what am I here for? What is the...
Is life an obstacle course? Sometimes it may feel like it. If you join the military you will be sent around an obstacle course of...
It is easy to get caught up in the demands of home life because they never stop. There is always one more thing you can do, another dish...
TO DO LIST —> SUCCESS LIST “Long hours spent checking off a to-do list and ending the day with a full trash can and a clean desk are not...
When you build a house, every brick counts. When you build a character, every thought counts. You are what you think. Love, purity,...
Each stage of life we go through has its time of fulfilment and recession, as do all living things. Every moment of every stage has its...
Old Man On The Island by Anthony de Mello From Heart of the Enlightened By Anthony de Mello An old man had lived most of his life on what...
Solutions are never necessary because there are no problems, only our perception makes it seem so, and only our minds make our...
The burnout process has been divided into 12 phases by psychologists Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North. In a Scientific American Mind...
Giving and receiving are companion energies that take turns throughout our lives, and we all get a chance to be on both sides of the...
“It’s a beautiful idea. Psychologists call it adversarial growth or post-traumatic growth. “That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”...
Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to think, it is the source of power. Take time to read, it is the fountain of...
You are a human being with every right to be here, learning and exploring. What you are is a decision-maker and every moment provides you...